Sitemap - 2023 - Marketing BS with Edward Nevraumont

The Best Companies for Career Growth and Why the Ranking is Wrong

Some links for the holidays

How Enterprise are using AI

How do people feel about AI generated content

When Proof of Work Goes Away

SEO hacking with AI and why most established companies are not doing it

Bottom-Up vs Top-Down Generative AI


First Time Buyers

You need to be 10x better

How to Live Forever

Twitter Community Notes, Google Ads, and Long vs Short term

Most companies are about to lose their best customers -- what happens next?

More on the future of SEO

How to learn the thing

Prediction vs Preparation

It's Product-Market-Fit all the way down

Unintended Lessons from MasterClass

Marketplaces, Instacart and Share Shift

Explaining advertising to an 8-year old

Surge Pricing in Pubs and Restaurants

Pitch Deck Advice

Disney v Charter

The Future of Brand Advertising

All publicity is good publicity

How AI voice ordering through DoorDash can be applied to all businesses

How AI could improve a listings business RIGHT NOW

Centralization vs Locatliazation

Smell branding

The inequality of A/B testing

The Rich Deserve to be there (Academic Paper Contrarian Take Part 2)

Expedia's new loyalty program and what's up with Airbnb?

Slight delay, and Some Tips for Creating Images with MidJourney

Why Ivy's Matter

History of Expedia's Loyalty Programs

We got AI because we weren't working from home

Better SEO

Are you still allowed to target marketing by racial categories?

Change takes a long time

Tell your friends about Marketing BS and get stuff

How will companies actually respond to SFFA v Harvard?

The Impact of the Affirmative Action Ruling on Marketing Executives

Creativity vs Impact Part Two: The Future of Pixar

Creativity vs Impact

Appearance Matters (even if we pretend it doesn't)

AI is Held to a Higher Standard

Remote Work, Innovation and Getting Lucky

More on Bud Lite

Re-thinking Marketing to Employees

Vision Pro and the future of click-bait

A collection of tools

The new Google Search: eCommerce, Local and what to do about it

The biggest change to SEO since the launch of Google?

Price discrimination and vendor selection

Automated Tipping and Price Discrimination

Buying reputation

External vs Internal Career Equity

The Bear case for Netflix advertising

Your best customers love your terrible website

The Last Shall be First

Iterative Self-Correction

Chatbot is not the best interface for everything

What is privacy worth?

Culture Matters, but regression is to the mean

Switching Jobs

Monetizing the Metaverse

IBM Pausing new hiring

Bonus Post: Exploring Meta Earnings with AI

Meta and Reach vs Frequency

"Supercharge your meetings" and more

Why Personalization is (usually) a bad idea

A doll for everyone

Product Market Fit (essay)

Re-launching Marketing BS+

What is the HBO Brand Worth?

Real Fidelity, personal connections and tutoring

When your job depends on it

Be the compliment

Individuals are more innovative than companies

AI-Spin at Pepsi

Marketing does its own development

Career Pivots

How to write a job description

Some more AI tools for CMOs

Bet on nothing changing and you will be right until you are wrong

Maybe Facebook is not so bad

Regulatory Arbitrage

AI Creativity

The problem with incentives

APIs, LLM Coding, and Presentations, oh my!

How I would use AI RIGHT NOW if I was a CMO

AI as Sustaining Innovation

LLM AIs as Editors

The new arms race

How Marketers are using LLM AI Models

Dynamic Pricing Everywhere

Long shots


Marketing BS: Andreesen Career Planning

Marketing BS: Southwest Convenience

Marketing BS: New Channels

Marketing BS: The Future of Ads in AI Search

Marketing BS: Hogwarts Legacy

Marketing BS Briefing: Walmart Advertising

Marketing BS: Gatekeeping Children

Marketing BS Mini Briefing: FAST is fast

Marketing BS Mini-Briefing: Scott Adams

Marketing BS mini-briefing: Athletic Brewing

Marketing BS Podcast: Theatrical Dynamic Pricing

Marketing BS Podcast: Have Electric Vehicles Changed the Rules of Loyalty?

Marketing BS Podcast: Southwest Loyalty and some announcements